Category Archives: Uncategorized

Written on Jun, 27, 2015 by in | Comments Off on No puzzle today

Hey friends,

I’m on vacation down in Florida for the next eight days, so I’m taking this week off. But, there will definitely be a new Devil Cross puzzle next week at the normal time and (heads-up) it’s going to be a meta contest, so be sure and tune in.

In the meantime, feel free to make yourself at home. Oh, and here are two interesting things:

1) Todd McClary has posted his own mini-reviews of the six Indie 500 tournament puzzles. They contain spoilers, so be warned about that before reading ’em.

2) We released hints and solutions to the Indie 500 meta suite, a.k.a. the Meta World Prix, via email just the other day. So if you haven’t gotten around to ordering yourself a copy, you can now get some extra help on finishing them if you need it.

That’s all for now. Till next week!

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Written on Apr, 25, 2015 by in | Comments Off on No puzzle today

Hey, solvers. As I wrote last week, I had to take some time to work on Indie 500 projects — primarily our meta suite, which we’re hoping to finish up soon. Other non-puzzle-related things in my life needed attention as well (shocking, I know). So there’s no Devil Cross puzzle today. Forgiveness, please?

Not to worry, however: I’ll return with a new puzzle next Saturday, and the other puzzles in my Cross Links sidebar should carry you over till then. Plus, later this week (tentatively scheduled for Wednesday, April 28), I’ll be publishing a review of Patrick Berry’s Vicious Circle variety meta suite. Though you can still purchase the suite whenever you like, his contest for a chance to win a cash prize ends tonight, so make sure you submit your final answer before the clock strikes midnight!

That’s all for now. Again, new Devil Cross puzzle coming on May 2.


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Use them wisely, my friend.

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