Category Archives: Mild

Written on Jul, 05, 2014 by in | 4 Comments.

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Happy ‘Murica Time, y’all. I just came back from a week-long stay in Chicago, replete with good times with family ‘n friends, viewings of movies both sweet and terrible, and trips down memory lane. You see that poem above? I discovered that while cleaning out my old bedroom in my parents’ house. I wrote that gem sometime around 1990 when I was seven years old. I’ve now since brought that poem plus a binder of other spectacular first- and second-grade-A materials back with me to Philadelphia. You should see the drawings I made when we were doing a unit on Greek mythology — let’s just say that Odysseus never rocked a mohawk so hard.

Enjoy today’s easy offering. There will be a new puzzle on July 19.

And a happy birthday to Patrick Blindauer, indie puzzledude and Lollapuzzoola host extraordinaire!

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Written on May, 14, 2014 by in | 4 Comments.

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(Photo credit: William Murphy)

So like I wrote on Saturday, the plan was to publish a puzzle when I was done with my schoolwork for the year. And guess what? I’m still not done. But that didn’t stop me from putting this puzzle up. Call it early onset senioritis, call it procrastination, call it a desire not to fall further behind (on crosswords, anyway). The point is, I wanted you to have something. This one’s my first Mild puzzle of the Devil Cross era.

Enjoy — there will be a new puzzle on May 24.

(p.s. Though I came up with these theme answers on my own, I’ll give credit where due — Sheldon Benardo and Matt Jones had similar theme ideas many moons ago.)

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Nice job!
You now have 30 lives.
Use them wisely, my friend.

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