Important Note: This puzzle is no longer available to solve on my website because I updated it and published it in the Washington Post Magazine on July 31, 2016. My apologies for the inconvenience. Puzzles #1-61 and #69 are still available to solve.

Devil Cross Spice Rating Medium Header


Another Sunday-sized puzzle? Yes indeed. It’s funny; just the other day, Brendan Emmett Quigley wrote that he sometimes likes to write puzzles with lower word-counts so that he can save some time on the clue-writing front. I can dig that — clue-writing often takes me longer than building the grid itself. But sometimes, I just feel like expanding a regular theme to a bigger grid, and strangely enough, I find that I can bang out a large set of clues faster since I already know the task is more daunting. Besides, I’m enjoying writing the 21×21 puzzles, so why not?

Oh, and this upcoming Friday’s my birthday. One of my presents appears to be the impending visit of a certain pope-like character in Philadelphia. Something tells me that Devil Cross won’t be the first website he visits when he gets here.

Enjoy the puzzle. There will be a new one next week.