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(Source: @JeremyRudd3)

Semi-spoiler alert approaching about today’s puzzle! You’ve been warned.

I just wanna make something real clear: this puzzle was not, not, NOT inspired by the infamous photo of Kim Kardashian’s ass, a parody of which is above (with more funny ones here and here). I made this grid well before said ass went viral, but I couldn’t find a home for it. So here it is.

In unrelated news, the Indie 500 Crossword Puzzle Tournament is looking for a sixth indie puzzle constructor! We’re seeking someone who’s reasonably “indie” — the basic limit is that you can’t have had more than 10 total puzzles published in various mainstream outlets like the New York Times, the LA Times, CrosSynergy, and others. Basically, we want to give someone who’s relatively new to the crossword business a spotlight to showcase their talents. The winner gets $500 and the opportunity to see your puzzle being solved by a lot of people in real time! Sounds good to me. Head on over to that link above and click on “SUBMIT” for more info.

Enjoy today’s puzzle, and happy Thanksgiving. There will be a new puzzle on December 6.